Home / About The Anniversary Calendar
11 November 2022

Do you have a project with a clear link to the anniversary? Do you want to become an anniversary partner? Information about becoming an anniversary partner can be found here. Email 2023@goteborg.com for more information.

The anniversary calendar is a compilation of activities and events taking place during Gothenburg’s 400th anniversary.

  • The target group for the anniversary calendar is residents of Gothenburg and visitors to the city. It is therefore useful if your information has also been translated into English.
  • If you add an activity to the anniversary calendar, you commit to keeping the information up to date. You should also communicate the activity though your own channels. There is a 400th anniversary communication tool that you can use.

We reserve the right to moderate submitted events. We also reserve the right to remove activities that are not linked to the anniversary or that do not comply with the anniversary’s values, which have a vision that: Gothenburg shall have an international reputation as a bold role model for sustainable growth. We are an innovative, open and inclusive city where all residents feel a sense meaning and participation.

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