8 May 2023

“The Secret of the Silver Heart” is a new musical by Jenny and Martin Schaub. Together with Balettakademien/Göteborg to celebrate  Gothenburg’s 400th anniversary, this musical is now premiering in its current form.

Jenny & Martin Schaub are well known musician and songwriters and also members of the folk band West of Eden. ”The Secret of the Silver Heart” is their first collaboration in the musical theatre genre.

The Musical performers education Music Education is, together with the Dance Education, also celebrating this year. The professional education celebrates 40 years this year and at the same time the school will also establish itself in the new district of Karlastaden. The school started in Mölndal, then moved to Gamlestaden (roughly the place as former Nya Lödöse) and lands this year in Karlastaden. A piece of Gothenburg history in itself.

At the center of this story is the silver heart that was found in Gamlestan in 1916, in connection with the excavations of what once was Nya Lödöse.

The heart is now in the Gothenburg City Museum’s collections and is included in the exhibition “Birth of Gothenburg”

There are still many question marks surrounding the jewelry today:

– Why was a young woman buried in the church with a piece of jewelry around her neck? They didn’t do that in the 16th century.
– What do all the inscriptions on the object mean?
– Why was there buckwheat inside the locket?
– And what does it actually say on the small piece of parchment that was also found in the center of the heart?

Science has not been able to solve the secret of the silver heart, which creates a mythical shimmer around the jewelry. It was also this that set the imagination of the authors in motion.
Not having all the answers can sometimes be more valuable than knowing everything.

In the musical, we follow a number of people in three different ages, whose lives are affected in different ways by the jewelry. The story also pushes the thesis that we are all touched by each other and affected by each other’s actions. Something someone did a very long time ago can leave an imprint on the life of someone living now. Regardless of who you are and where you live, what language you speak and what you look like. We are influenced by each other. What we do has consequences, not only in our own lives, but also in the lives of others.

“So therefore, remember that everything you do can leave its mark,
and play a role in someone’s life four hundred years from now.”

Basically, “The secret of the Silver Heart” is a story about the people who lived then – and about us who live now. About how we belong together. How similar we are. Even though the city is changing, we feel the same joy and the same sadness, and we all dream of being who we are deep down. To be able to live life to the full and perhaps, like the character in the play Alice Johansson in 1916, to be able to do something big.”

“Live my life beyond the norm
Stand in the eye of the storm
Live fully and to the end
Feel that I have done…
…Something big!”

From The Secret of the Silver Heart.

Read more

Balettakademien/Göteborg website


Joacim Hedman


Grafik: Joacim Hedman

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